Get one week free of Online Classes or join us In Person
Get First Week Free
More Online Classes Added
Is working out from home more convenient for you?!
We have beefed up our Online Classes! Most of our classes held in the studio will be Live and saved for further watching! 
Plus we have 130+ OnDemand classes! 

So are you ready to shed your Covid - 19lbs?! Whatever the number is, let's kill it now!
Welcome Back :)
In Person Classes Started Monday
We can't wait to see you! 
Please view important updates here

What you should know

  • We will continue to have virtual classes
  • You can still keep your account frozen until you're ready to return. If you want more time past your current freeze please email us at
  • Our studio will open in phases. Until then we will operate on a limited class schedule with limited class capacity. Please see read the important updates
Open Studio Memberships
Your Practice Time
Perhaps you just desire space for solo private practice. Take advantage of our lovely bright studio space, the tall mirrors, professional speakers, exotic lightning and more. 
If so, we have a membership just for you for either room. 
Virtual Party
Zoom With Friends! 
You can keep the celebrations going!
We offer private Zoon parties! Choose from Chair Dancing, Twerk, Stiletto Fit, any Tik Tok challenge, Belly Dancing and more!

Host your Birthday party, Girls Nite Out or Bachelorette Party virtually.
Urban Girl Podcast
So We Did a Podcast
Great timing for this podcast! Inner Me was designed and founded during the 2009 Financial Crisis and Recession. Perhaps you want to learn more about the background of the studio or you're seeking inspiration at this time! Tune in

Inner Me Studios | 2206 Emancipation Avenue, Houston TX 77003 US