What's new at the studio? Find out here.
Two-Part Fitness Master Course
Last weekend, our trainers and many Physical Therapists and trainers from other states joined us for the Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders course. Lise Stolze, MST, DSc, CSCS, a world-class Physical Therapist, helped us in understanding more about Scoliosis and other spinal disorders. We continue to learn and promote education for our trainers to help our clients with their needs!

Part 2 of this course will take place May 31 - June 1st. We are looking for Scoliosis models to help us with this course. Models will learn about how to help their Scoliosis and be given a workout plan that can help.

If you have Scoliosis or HyperKyphosis and are interested in being a model for our students we will assess your spine and develop a plan. Please contact alex.pilatesmn@gmail.com if you're interested!
New on the Schedule
Reminder that we've added the following two classes to the schedule on Sundays:
9:00 AM - Reformer 1
10:00 AM - Mix It Up 1.5
Your Guide to Preventing Burnout
Feeling like you're running on empty lately? It might be time to hit the pause button and show yourself some serious TLC. Burnout is no joke, especially when you're juggling a million things at once. But fear not! We've got your back with some self-care strategies designed to help you kick burnout to the curb and reclaim your sanity. Read more for tips from Tina:
All About PFAS
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, or PFAS, are a group of synthetic chemicals that are resistant to oil, water, heat, and grease. They are also known as "forever chemicals" because they do not break down in the environment

You want to avoid PFAS wherever possible. This includes microwave popcorn, teflon pots and pans, "to go" containers that deter grease, waterproof and stain resistent clothing, and even dental floss. 

Some sparkling water products have elevated PFAS levels, including Bubly, La Croix, Canada Dry, Topo Chico, Perrier, and Polar Spring.

Many cosmetic brands also contain PFAS. Use an App like OnSkin to help you make safe decisions. Take time to learn to keep these harmful chemicals out of your healthy "Pilates Body!"
Get the Pilates MN App: Available on Apple or Google Play
contactpilatesmn@gmail.com | 952-476-0304 | www.pilatesmn.com
Pilates MN | 2355 Polaris Ln N, Plymouth Minnesota 55447 US